冬儿谈汽车 2024-05-10 11:01:09


“In design, we pursue the harmonious resonance of light and dust.' Harmony of light and dust' is not only a philosophy, but also an attitude to life. We integrate every ray of light and every speck of dust to create a space that is both sparkling and restrained. The space is not just a place to live, but a quiet poetry of life, a place to escape from the world without ostentation but with a sense of style.——Tommaso said

在高楼林立的城市节奏中,静安府的设计,是对“Space dynamic line”理念的完美演绎,它如同一座静谧的岛屿,与喧嚣的尘俗和谐共处。


In the midst of the high-rise city, the design of Jing'an Mansion is a perfect interpretation of the “Space dynamic line” concept. It is like a quiet island that can coexist harmoniously with the hustle and bustle of the world.

It breaks through the physical boundaries of traditional spatial layout. It draws the concept of “home” with the flowing art of life. It is neither intentionally prominent, nor does it flaunt individuality. It finds a balance between prosperity and quietness, so that residents can enjoy the texture and depth of life in a low profile.


Walking into the living room, the neutral color palette evokes a warm and rustic tone. Cream-colored plush chairs calm the space in an instant. The delicate touch of marble texture is subtle and natural. There are no elements of strong style here, only the perception of tranquility and balance.



The floor lamp has both the warmth of jade and the beauty of a well-crafted design. It stands quietly and sculpturally with the modular sofa.

It was as if every detail in the space was whispering and rambling about mottled emotions.


When you change the angle of view, you will find a stainless steel island table hidden in the back of the living room, which has a mechanical and cold luster. This is the designer's intention. Instead of using space as a barrier, a unified design language and material continuity connects the bar with the living area. Giving the space a sense of lazy comfort.


The tabletop of the Metal Island Table consists of dark green marble. The thick stone neutralizes the cold, military-like chill of the metal. The meandering texture of the marble is full of flowing life.


At the end of the dining room, under the glistening white sunlight, is the minimalist dining area. The dark wood dining table with rounded white legs is a clash of jumping colors. Responding to the light with an unobtrusive gesture, the pure white standing cabinet is understated but not to be ignored.


SPACEFORM Design is located on the bank of the Yangtze River in Wuhan, adjacent to the The master bedroom is separated into a private space by a door. The bedroom has a calm flow throughout the space, which extends vertically from south to north, and it creates a relaxing place that is all its own.


The low saturated color tone of the whole space integrates the temperature of “warmth” and the attitude of “elegance” into every inch, thus returning the most essential comfort to people. At the end of the master bedroom is the passage to light. When the sunlight falls from the window, the glass curtain wall evenly filters out the light, which is as hazy as the light of the sky.


The marble with the texture of the ink landscape painting renders a flowing and spontaneous. It not only shows the texture, but also warms up the space.



The calm black stair railing contrasts with the white of the space. Antique paintings become the presence of the space's finishing touch.

The lines of the space are staggered. It is arranged in a geometric state, orderly and unique. It injects the texture and rhythm of life into a potentially empty space.


When the boundaries of the interior are eliminated, the soul becomes more free. The sunken courtyard connected to the outdoor area blurs the boundaries. It is like being in the wilderness. Behind it is the Zen room. The Zen room is far away and silent, as if it is a window for dialoguing with the soul.




空间性质 | 私宅空间

Category | Private space

主案设计师 | 周俊宁 张超

Chief Designer | Roger Tommaso

软装设计师 | 张奥

Decoration Designer | Airene

项目地址 | 静安府

Location | Jing'an Fu House

项目面积 | 380㎡

Area | 380㎡

摄影师 | 蔡云普

Photographer | Yunpu Cai

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