
中书国画 2024-04-26 14:34:05


Lu Yanshao, born on June 26 of the Jiazi year in Nanxiang, Jiading, south of Shanghai, was named Di and styled Wanruo. Born into a family of merchants with a heritage in literature and ink, his father Yunbo, a rice shop owner, was noted for his elegant literary taste and exceptional calligraphy; his maternal grandfather was an aficionado of books and paintings, boasting a collection of treasures; his mother was skilled in embroidery, planting the seeds of art in him from an early age.




As a youth, Lu showed a keen interest in learning, with aspirations in painting and calligraphy. In the Bingyin year, he enrolled at the Wuxi Art School, studying traditional Chinese painting, literature, and calligraphy under the tutelage of Master Yu Xian, with Feng Chaoran as his teacher and Hu Fan as his companion. He traveled extensively across the landscapes of north and south. After the establishment of the new country, Lu served as a painter at the Shanghai Art Academy and taught landscape painting at the Zhejiang Art Academy. In the Jiwei year, he was promoted to professor and later became the head of the Zhejiang Art Academy. He authored works such as "Lu Yanshao's Painting Collection" and "Lu Yanshao's Calligraphy and Painting Collection," his artistic brilliance blossoming for the world to see. Lu passed away on October 23 of the Guiyou year in Shanghai, having reached the age of eighty-four, leaving his artistic spirit to live on eternally in the hearts of the people.

Lu Yanshao excelled in creating serene landscapes, adeptly painting mountains and waters with a versatile ink technique, employing the tip, belly, and base of the brush to depict the myriad forms of nature. His lines were elegantly fluid, balancing strength and softness. His mastery in depicting clouds and waters was particularly exquisite, creating imposing mountainous scenes with clouds and mists that changed endlessly. He was also skilled in portraying figures and flowers, and his calligraphy was uniquely distinguished.

Lu, outstanding and unparalleled, deeply embedded in the path of artistic innovation. Standing alone from the world, he explored the methods of the ancients without being bound by convention. Mastering complexity with simplicity, he reduced structures and broadened the contrast between ink and brush, transitioning from round to square forms, subtly capturing the essence of the ancients to forge new meanings. His paintings do not merely imitate the outlines of the past but also create a realm where form and spirit are equally captured, truly exemplifying mastery in motion.Residing by the banks of the Xin'an River, once, after a clearing rain, he sat alone, contemplating the art of leaving white spaces; observing the vast and perilous Three Gorges, he pioneered a new method for depicting water. Transitioning from the dense greenery of detailed brushwork to the flourishing strokes of freehand painting, he opened a new vista in the use of ink and brush, marking his uniqueness. Unlike traditional painters who always strive for balance, positioning the focal point at the center, Lu Yanshao embraced an unconventional boldness, placing emphasis on the edges of his canvases. At moments nearing collapse, he revealed the beauty of movement, bringing the paintings to life and displaying the endless transformations of nature.




















Unlike other painters who often started with broad strokes and finished with details, Lu adopted the opposite approach. He started with the small and worked towards the larger scale, each stroke brimming with life, without any preliminary drafts, gradually building up smaller sections into a larger whole. In his creative process, moments of sudden inspiration would often lead to breakthroughs, transforming challenges into new vistas. His painting framework employed dense ink as the skeleton, transitioning into lighter ink, moving from moist to dry, starting with vigorous bold strokes and then using dry, light brushwork for texturing. The initial stroke, known as "initiation," set the tone, followed by subsequent strokes, known as "follow-up," which were adjusted based on the characteristics of the initial stroke in terms of size, density, moisture, and speed, creating a continuous, wave-like rhythm. Lu painted without preliminary sketches, positioning broadly even for large works, allowing his brush to move as inspired, his innovative ideas flowing ceaselessly.

Lu Yanshao inherited the tradition of landscape painting but commanded the brush to explore the realms of vigorous and varied techniques. He incorporated methods such as rubbing, folding, rolling clouds, and even more abrupt techniques like ax splitting and chaotic wood texturing, applying his brush spontaneously at moments of inspiration, transcending the physical to reach the metaphysical seamlessly.

In the 1970s, Lu initiated a new chapter with his technique of leaving white spaces within his landscapes. These whites, resembling clouds, mist, haze, or sunlight, floated ethereally among the mountains, alternating layers of landscape with layers of white, creating a rhythmic interplay of visibility and obscurity. By the 1980s, under his "bold brush" style, he continued to seek change within stability. During this period, his artistic journey underwent another transformation, simplifying brush and ink use, reducing complexity in the scenes, which rendered his style both robust and agile, clarifying the artistic conception and establishing a distinctively new style.

Lu's approach to painting was bold in its simplicity, employing a restrained palette that nevertheless achieved remarkable effects. He delved into the expressive potential of brush and ink, using simplicity to manage complexity, thus creating a fresh yet majestic landscape. His works vibrated with life and uniquely blended ancient and modern styles, forging a new artistic realm that was both refreshingly clear and boldly assertive.


"Lu Yanshao is a genius, both in terms of his academic and artistic talents." (Commented by Huang Binhong, a painter and calligrapher)


"My friend Lu Yanshao's landscape paintings draw upon the techniques of the Song and Yuan dynasties and transform them through the Ming and Qing styles. He has captured the essence of the ancient masters and, after decades of experience, has refined his observation and understanding, exploring delicately and deeply, combining the strengths of various schools while discarding their shortcomings, thus forming his own unique style. Lu Yanshao's landscapes are meticulous yet robust, delicate without losing a seasoned vigor. His depiction of mountains, the flow of water, and the flight of clouds instantly brings the scene to life for the viewer. Most astonishingly, each stroke and each drop of ink in his paintings originate from the ancients yet make it impossible for one to discern their exact sources. Such a feat is indeed rare in the annals of both ancient and modern painting." (Critique by the painter Xie Zhiliu)


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