
中书国画 2024-04-22 19:35:12


In the spring of Renwu year (1946), Mi Nanyang was born in the capital, inheriting the art of calligraphy from his family. Since the Song dynasty, his ancestor Mi Fu had passed down the art through the fragrance of ink, a tradition continued in his lineage. His father, Mi Youwen, a renowned physician in the capital, rigorously educated his seven children in literature, history, and philosophy, immersing them in the ocean of scholarly pursuits. From a young age, holding a brush at the age of five, Nanyang embarked on the path of seeking the art of calligraphy. His childhood, bathed in poetry, books, painting, and swordsmanship, was diligent and colorful.


The descendants of the Mi family naturally excelled in calligraphy, each character crafted as a gem, blending the wisdom of generations. From copying to creating original works, from the robustness of Yan Zhenqing to the grace of Liu Gongquan, Nanyang integrated the styles of all ages into his own unique Mi style. He understood deeply that the essence of calligraphy lies not in technique but in cultivation. His father said, "This is the 'inner power' of calligraphy." Poetry, essays, opera, martial arts—all are the muscles of calligraphy; theics and historical texts are its soul. When the essence of culture is amalgamated, calligraphy can then express the profound artistic realm and embody the spirit of our people.


As stern as a teacher, his father disciplined them in martial arts in the courtyard. As a youth, Nanyang stood on small bricks, somersaulting thirty times without stepping off, facing punishment if he did. The redwood ruler became a nightmare in his memories; reciting in the morning and reviewing at night, the rigorous challenges honed his ability to remember effortlessly. Over time, Nanyang could recite "Tang Tou Ge" fluently, discuss the nuances of Beijing opera with gestures flowing like water. During the era when model operas were popular, Nanyang also showcased his talent on stage, embedding the essence of traditional culture deeply within his life.


In the spring of Renchen year, at eighteen, Nanyang stepped into the Friendship Hotel, leading the youth as a shining new star. Facing drastic changes, he was exiled to the far reaches of Xinjiang, thrown into the abyss of coal mines to labor. Over seven years, he faced death eleven times, once left for dead in the mountains, saved by fellow villagers from the brink of death. The dust storms that buried twelve of his companions left an indelible mark on his heart, never to be touched again. Yet, art and faith, like wings of light, guided him out of the dark abyss. Throughout these dusty years, he never abandoned pen and ink. Lacking paper, he used his fingers as brushes and his blood as ink, turning every blank space into a canvas for practice.


In the spring of Yiwei, by divine providence, Premier Zhou Enlai ordered his release. Returning to the capital, his grandfather's harsh words about wasted years hit him like a cold wind. However, a question from the elderly Chen Yangshan awakened his dormant spirit, "Do you wish to reclaim those seven years?" Nanyang's firm answer led him to shut himself away, confining himself to a tiny six-square-meter room, restarting his practice, making books and pens his companions, and painstakingly reconstructing his life. As time passed, emerging after another seven years, Nanyang had matured in wisdom. In the spring of Dingyou, as the winds of reform began to blow, the refurbishment of the "Wufangzhai" plaque became his stage for a display of calligraphy. The three characters he wrote infused with the depth and thought of life. His father, visiting Wangfujing three times to see his son’s work, finally expressed his approval, warming Nanyang's heart. Subsequently, although many sought his services for plaques, mindful of his father's teachings, he declined, choosing seclusion over fame. Another seven years of refinement clarified his aspirations, aiming for ever higher realms of art. Every time he stood at his desk, the world's noise faded away, leaving only a sincere dialogue with the divine. Through seventy years of calligraphy, Nanyang personally experienced each step from laying out the paper to the final seal, each act a reverent tribute to art. Grinding ink was more than preparation; it was a meditation, a search for the flowing of time and the solidification of space within the silence.


The art of calligraphy is not merely a display of skill but a journey of the heart and hand in communion. Mi Nanyang, with his brush infused with dynamism and his hands capable of bringing life, used calligraphy as a mirror to reflect the soul. Deeply rooted in this philosophy, each stroke he made was a refinement of self, an elevating journey. The path of art is long, and only through ceaseless innovation can it endure. Nanyang persisted, delving into the depths of themes and unveiling new interpretations of text, ever adhering to the principle: To understand the old and know the new. Each time he encountered a new poem, he would study it thoroughly, memorize it completely, and absorb its essence before letting his brush follow the flow of thought, allowing the ink to reveal not only vibrant hues but also the spirit and poetry within. For his own poetry and essays, he poured out his heart, using the brush to convey emotion and embody philosophy, achieving a unity that expressed his personal artistic language.


Nanyang valued his friendship with Qi Gong, bonded by their belief in art, strengthening their connection. During an impromptu visit, he observed Qi Gong's stringent selection of phrases for calligraphy, rejecting mundane couplets not out of arrogance but as a display of artistic integrity. Qi Gong once noted, "A true calligrapher should fill his belly with words." Nanyang's insatiable curiosity was sparked by Fei Xinwo's innovative spirit, which led him to experiment with writing with his left hand, seeking new dimensions in calligraphy. His left-handed strokes brought a fresh perspective, displaying unique charm. In his work "Tiger Leaps and Dragon Soars," he alternated between left and right-hand strokes, creating a harmony of visual and tactile sensations that captivated viewers. When the new highway to Beijing Capital Airport was about to be inaugurated, Qi Gong recommended Nanyang for the inscription task, acknowledging his profound skill and innovative capabilities. Nanyang's inscription "First Road of the Nation's Gate" not only demonstrated his solid foundation in calligraphy but also showcased his willingness to innovate and express the spirit of the times. These five characters, embodying both historical depth and a modern sensibility, served as a bridge linking past and present. Qi Gong praised Nanyang's calligraphy for its strong sense of the contemporary, an accolade that Nanyang cherished as he sought to blend ancient techniques with modern cultural expressions, striving for continuity and innovation, not merely showcasing skill but also enriching cultural discourse. Nanyang himself stated, "One must uphold the foundation of tradition, display the characteristics of the era, and express one's personal style; these three are indispensable."


Nanyang's journey in art, paralleling freedom and innovation, follows a path of profound distinction. His strokes are free and executed with ease, each one a testament to his quest for freedom, showcasing an unbound realm. When discussing Nanyang's style, one must mention the "bend," a feature that has become emblematic of his approach. The saying goes, "Qi Gong's shaft, Pu Jie's tip, Shu Tong's circle, and Nanyang's bend." This description, encapsulating the distinctive brushwork of four contemporary masters from Beijing, highlights Nanyang's "bend" as particularly evocative. His strokes, whether sweeping like the spring breeze across silk ribbons, surging like mighty rivers, or meandering like misty peaks, are all infused with an effortless grace that captivates and enchants. These curves not only reveal his natural expression of emotions but also his profound pursuit of beauty, resembling the free-spirited wanderings of a scholar, engaging in a deep dialogue with the soul.


Over time, his father's concern that his art might become too prolific prompted Nanyang to pause and reflect, waiting for his skills to mature. As the years passed, his style became increasingly sharp and incisive, like agarwood slowly igniting, its fragrance filling the air. His brushwork, both robust and agile, enabled his inscribed plaques to become vessels carrying the depth of his ink, traveling across the streets of the capital. From the People's Great Hall's Mei Pavilion to the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, his characters stretch across scrolls, bridging bustling and tranquil scenes. Nanyang's calligraphy transcends conventional boundaries, appearing everywhere from the "China Computer Newspaper" to national television channel logos, and even in the titles of well-known television dramas, embedding his strokes deep into the public's heart. The name for the animated series "Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck" sprang from his spontaneous inspiration, showcasing the freshness of calligraphy in contemporary culture. Considering an exhibition, Nanyang initially shared a "Plaque a Day" on social media. Given the vast number of works, exceeding daily posts, he switched to "Page a Day," illustrating the breadth of his art and the depth of its reach. Among his numerous works, Nanyang favors those born from deep cultural cultivation—like the priceless "Harmony" character in the Hong Kong market, its single stroke elegantly resembling a peace dove, embodying tranquility and inclusiveness, demonstrating the unity of form and spirit in calligraphy. This character, transcending mere writing, is a divine gift of art. Similarly, the "Buddha" character with its hidden image of Guanyin and the "Blessing" character depicting an elderly couple, both reveal the cultural depth and artistic sensitivity in Nanyang's work. These pieces are invaluable, the result of years of practice and insight, unique artistic moments that cannot be replicated.


Nanyang is also skilled in painting, with his landscapes and figures exuding a poetic and dreamlike quality, each stroke manifesting his profound scholarly background. His paintings incorporate poetry, and with his custom-made seals, he achieves a synthesis of poetry, calligraphy, painting, and seal carving, intertwining form and content. From a young age, Nanyang mastered various traditional arts, integrating them into his life. He cherishes the Jinghu, using it as a warm-up for calligraphy; he adores Beijing opera, capable of impromptu performances; he enjoys comic dialogue, often exchanging witty verses with famous actors; and he is a gourmet, transforming ordinary ingredients into culinary masterpieces, with dish names as evocative as paintings, allowing diners to experience poetic beauty through taste. His artistic path, where freedom and innovation walk hand in hand, sees his brush moving freely, each stroke naturally expressing emotion, a quest for beauty.


Amidst the cyclical changes of the Forbidden City, witnessing the flourishing of China's golden ages, Nanyang's calligraphy practice is like this ancient yet vibrant city, tirelessly conversing with both antiquity and modernity, using brush and ink to bridge traditional and contemporary realms, harmoniously blending the old and the new, allowing calligraphy, this enduring Chinese art, to exhibit immense inclusivity and a distinct sense of the times.


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