
书画艺术圈 2024-04-17 08:55:10


2024 marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, as well as the year of cultural tourism between China and France. It coincides with the return to Paris, the starting point of the modern Olympic movement, 100 years after the Olympic Games. Both China and France have brilliant civilizations, two shining pearls that often complement each other in the long river of human history. The Chinese Art Exhibition "From Beijing to Paris - Olympic Tour of Chinese and French Artists" serves as a bridge for artistic appreciation, cultural exchange between China and France, cultural exchange, and spiritual exchange, spreading the cultural and spiritual connotations of the Olympic movement to the world. Chinese artists will engage in heart to heart dialogue with the world through their works, allowing the world to see a thriving, confident, and open China.

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, the central media, in collaboration with numerous mainstream media, reports and broadcasts from all angles on the platform, allowing Chinese artists and art enthusiasts to better inherit and showcase China's vast and profound brilliant culture.

徐景琨,河北省承德县人,大专文化, 历任县政府办副主任、县委办副主任、县委政府督查室主任、督查考核办公室主任。曾获河北省政策研究先进工作者,河北省党政系统优秀督查室主任(标兵)等荣誉,调研文章获省和国家专业部门二三等奖。



1985年获承德市首届书法大赛3等奖;2015年以来,先后获第七届羲之杯书画邀请展一等奖,12届滕王阁杯书画大赛一等奖,中国第九届重阳现场书画大赛金奖,第一届孔子杯中国书画七国巡展金奖,日本富士山国际艺术金奖,2018 年举办了个人书法作品展,2019年春应邀赴美文化(书法)交流。


Xu Jingkun, born in Chengde County, Hebei Province, with a college education background, has served as the Deputy Director of the County Government Office, Deputy Director of the County Party Committee Office, Director of the County Party Committee Government Supervision Office, and Director of the Supervision and Assessment Office. He has won the honors of exemplary individual in policy research of Hebei Province, director (pacesetter) of the excellent supervision office of the party and government system of Hebei Province, and the second and third prizes of provincial and national professional departments for his research articles.

The current Vice President and Calligraphy Branch President of the Elderly Calligraphy and Painting Research Association in Chengde County, Art Advisor of the County Calligraphy Association, Member of the Chengde Calligraphy Association and Writers Association, Member of the Hong Kong Calligraphy Association, Cultural and Historical Researcher of Chengde City, Member of the Chinese Elderly Calligraphy and Painting Research Association, with outstanding contributions in calligraphy and research recorded in the Cultural Category Expert List of Chengde City, at the municipal level (scholarly disciple).

Since childhood, Ou Kai has built a foundation. After retiring in October 2014, he studied Chu Kai and Er Wang Xingshu, persisting in continuous writing, diligent research and practice, and continuously improving his calligraphy art level. Experts have evaluated his calligraphy as having an artistic style of "elegant and elegant, with a combination of hardness and softness".

In 1985, won the third prize in the first calligraphy competition in Chengde City; Since 2015, he has won the first prize at the 7th Xizhi Cup Calligraphy and Painting Invitation Exhibition, the first prize at the 12th Tengwangge Cup Calligraphy and Painting Competition, the gold award at the 9th Chongyang Live Calligraphy and Painting Competition in China, the gold award at the 1st Confucius Cup China Calligraphy and Painting Seven Country Tour, and the gold award at the Fuji Mountain International Art Exhibition in Japan. In 2018, he held a solo calligraphy exhibition and was invited to the United States for cultural (calligraphy) exchange in the spring of 2019.

Calligraphy works are collected by domestic and foreign institutions such as Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Mongolia, Yunnan, the United States, and Britain, as well as multiple friends. Calligraphy works and articles have been published in Chengde Daily, Hebei Daily, Municipal TV Station, Calligraphy Daily, and People's Daily's All Media; Recorded in the New China Art Atlas and CCTV's Art Inheritor; Published "The Imprints of Cultivation", "Common Writings of Party and Government Organs", and "Collection of Xu Jingkun's Calligraphy Works", which are collected by the National Library.


中书协理事、北京大学书法研究所研究员李彬教授在 徐景琨撰写的(根植于传统并实现转化,在书法艺术的内 功与外功上锤炼真功)文章上点评:“退而不休,休而不怠。 在原有基础上,退休后坚持修内功,练真功;勤思考,善 总结;重传统,近经典,于楷行用功尤勤,成绩尤佳。作 品有清逸之气,有正大气象!”2022年3月25日

Professor Li Bin's comments

Professor Li Bin, Assistant Director of the Chinese Academy of Calligraphy and Researcher at the Institute of Calligraphy at Peking University, commented in an article written by Xu Jingkun (rooted in tradition and achieving transformation, honing true skills in both internal and external aspects of calligraphy art): "Never give up, never slack off. On the basis of the original foundation, after retirement, persist in practicing internal skills and true skills; think hard and summarize well; value tradition and approachics, and work hard in regular script, achieving excellent results. The works have a refreshing atmosphere and a positive atmosphere!"

March 25, 2022


北京师范大学书法研究生冯军伟老师(中书协会员)评价:徐景琨先生书法作品,字不俗,比较有清秀之气,这 点很难得!基本功也很扎实!作品透视出清雅、清秀之气, 文人之气!秀美流畅!这种书法气息是经过长时间的笔墨 浸染和诗文的熏陶而产生的,是学问积累的效果!这种书法 气息是高雅的,难能可贵的!


Teacher Feng Junwei's comments

Professor Feng Junwei, a graduate student in calligraphy at Beijing Normal University (member of the Chinese Calligraphy Association), commented that Mr. Xu Jingkun's calligraphy works are not vulgar and have a delicate and elegant atmosphere, which is rare! Basic skills are also very solid! The work exudes an elegant and delicate aura, as well as a literary aura! Beautiful and smooth! This kind of calligraphy atmosphere is produced through long-term immersion of brush and ink, as well as the influence of poetry and prose, and is the result of accumulated knowledge! This kind of calligraphy atmosphere is elegant and precious!

December 21, 2020


徐景琨先生自幼欧楷筑基,其后临学褚体,深学二王, 根植于传统,又善于创新,日积月累,勤研百炼,形成了 “刚柔相济,大气清雅”的艺术风格!其线条遒劲隽美、含 蓄多变,结体和谐自然,用笔方圆兼备、刚柔相济。很多 字,褚意畅达,二王气质随处可见,洒脱中坚守着传统法 度,温润中蕴含苍劲,飘逸中彰显真功,字里行间充满着 浓厚的视觉美感!细品其书法,不仅富有神采之美,而且透 视出一种浓郁的文人气息!彰显着文化修养之美!清雅大气 的境界之美!

(此点评摘自2019年9月3日《人民日报》文化全媒体平台 蔡佳霖的文章,蔡佳霖毕业于中国艺术研究院,现为人民日报《袭 古创今》栏目编导)

Comment by Teacher Cai Jialin from People's Daily

Mr. Xu Jingkun built his foundation in Euclidean script from a young age, and later studied Chu style. He delved deeply into the Two Kings, rooted in tradition and skilled in innovation. Over time, he diligently studied and refined, forming an artistic style that combines strength and softness, creating a grand and elegant atmosphere! Its lines are powerful, beautiful, subtle and varied, with a harmonious and natural structure. The strokes are both square and round, with a combination of firmness and softness. Many words, Chu's meaning is fluent, and the temperament of the two kings can be seen everywhere. They adhere to traditional laws in a carefree manner, contain vitality in warmth, and demonstrate true skills in elegance. The lines and lines are filled with a strong visual beauty! Fine tasting its calligraphy not only exudes a breathtaking beauty, but also reveals a strong literary atmosphere! Showcasing the beauty of cultural cultivation! The beauty of an elegant and atmospheric realm!

(This review is excerpted from an article by Cai Jialin on the cultural media platform of People's Daily on September 3, 2019. Cai Jialin graduated from the China Academy of Art and is currently the director of the "Inheriting the Past and Creating the Present" column of People's Daily.)


2024年元旦之前,应邀参加人民日报和(中国文旅)举办的(中法文化论坛)活动时,书法作品资料,在(中 国文旅)网刊上得到:文旅部主管副部长卢映川的肯定评 价: “徐景琨老师的作品,能与大众产生共鸣,接地气, 很高雅!表示祝贺!”

Comments from Vice Minister Lu Yingchuan of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Before New Year's Day in 2024, when invited to participate in the People's Daily and the China France Cultural Forum held by China Culture and Tourism, calligraphy materials received a positive evaluation from Lu Yingchuan, the Deputy Minister in charge of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, in the online magazine of China Culture and Tourism: "Xu Jingkun's works resonate with the public, are down-to-earth, and very elegant! Congratulations!"

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