
文旅中国 2024-05-13 17:38:03


Who would associate fruits and chili peppers together? It's the people from Guangxi!


"Suan ye" is a Cantonese term, where "ye" means "things" in Cantonese. "Suan Ye" is also known as "suanliao" or "suanpin", it is a popular local snack in various parts of Guangxi, where you can find it in the streets of many cities and also in the surrounding areas.


"Suan Ye" uses local seasonal fruits (such as papaya, guava, mango, peach, pineapple, plum, and pear) and is pickled with vinegar, salt, and spices. When eating, you can add sugar, chili powder, vinegar, and pepper salt to your taste. The taste is sour and spicy, very appetizing. When you visit Guangxi, you will often see shops selling "Suan Ye" on the street. When fresh fruits meet fiery chili peppers, they combine perfectly in your mouth to create a fresh taste! The fragrance of the fruit is not covered by the chili taste, but it gives the fruit a new coat.


In addition, eating "Suan Ye" can help with digestion, increase appetite, and it is also a delicious food with a unique taste. However, it is best not to eat it on an empty stomach and not to eat too much at once.


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