
每日英文晨读 2023-12-26 11:36:50

December 26, 2023 marks the 130th anniversary of The great leader Chairman Mao's birth. On this day, people from all over the country, filled with reverence and gratitude, take to the streets to commemorate this great leader.


He dedicated his entire life to the liberation and happiness of the Chinese people. Leading the Chinese people through a revolutionary war that lasted twenty-two years, he eventually achieved the independence and liberation of New China. He put forward a series of revolutionary theories with Chinese characteristics, providing guidance for China's socialist construction.


The great leader Chairman Mao's thoughts and theories have deeply influenced the hearts and minds of the people and had a profound impact on China's development. His idea of "putting people first" emphasized the central role of the masses, promoting rural reform and urban industrialization in China.


The great leader Chairman Mao's governance philosophy and style endeared him to the masses. He led by example, maintaining honesty and integrity, always prioritizing the interests of the people. He particularly emphasized the promotion of democracy and advocated active participation of the masses, fully mobilizing their enthusiasm and creativity. He cared about the well-being of farmers, workers, and students, promoting the slogan "Learn from Dazhai in agriculture and from Daqing in industry," encouraging the entire nation to learn from advanced experiences and technologies.


Chairman Mao was a great leader who devoted tremendous efforts to seeking happiness for the Chinese people and promoting China's development. His thoughts and spirit will forever inspire us, urging us to keep moving forward and strive for the realization of the Chinese Dream. Let us remember Chairman Mao, commemorating his great contributions, and let his spirit shine forever in the hearts of the Chinese people!


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