
文旅中国 2024-05-11 17:04:01


Why go to Qingdao for fun? Because!  Of course, it's to experience the unique romance that belongs to the Chinese people~


Qingdao has a picturesque coastal scenery; the undulating sea fairyland—Laoshan Mountain; the urban landscape of "red tiles, green trees, blue sea, and blue sky"; typical European-style buildings from various countries; historic residences condensed with modern history and culture; and modern resort and exhibition facilities. All of this belongs to Qingdao, a city where Eastern and Western cultures blend harmoniously, where mountains, seas, and cities embrace each other.

在青岛,重新定义城市漫步!既然是在青岛,当然要叫sea walk 啦。从金沙濉啤酒城到西陵峡路,再去到海之风广场沿途到小麦岛。可以乘坐公共交通穿行海底隧道,在开满矢车菊和虞美人的小麦岛海边草坡独自坐一下午。坐在沙滩上看海浪起伏的声音,阳光似有似无地散发温暖,海浪拍击礁石继而幻化为泡沫。

In Qingdao, redefine your urban stroll! Since you're in Qingdao, you must go for a "sea walk". From the Jinshatan Beer City to the Xilingxia Road, passing through the Hai Zhi Feng Square on the way to Xiaomaidao Island. You can take public transportation through the underwater tunnel, sit alone for an afternoon on the grassy slopes of Xiaomaidao Island covered with cornflowers and coreopsis. Sitting on the beach, listening to the sound of the waves, feeling the warmth of the sun, watching the waves crash against the rocks and turn into foam.


Some say that half of Qingdao's romance lies in the sea. Others say that Qingdao's romance is not just about the sea. At the Stone Man Beach at four in the morning, the sunrise reflects on the silhouette of the Stone Man, where you can feel the power of nature.

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