
书画艺术圈 2024-04-11 15:27:57


2024 marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, as well as the year of cultural tourism between China and France. It coincides with the return to Paris, the starting point of the modern Olympic movement, 100 years after the Olympic Games. Both China and France have brilliant civilizations, two shining pearls that often complement each other in the long river of human history. The Chinese Art Exhibition "From Beijing to Paris - Olympic Tour of Chinese and French Artists" serves as a bridge for artistic appreciation, cultural exchange between China and France, cultural exchange, and spiritual exchange, spreading the cultural and spiritual connotations of the Olympic movement to the world. Chinese artists will engage in heart to heart dialogue with the world through their works, allowing the world to see a thriving, confident, and open China.

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, the central media, in collaboration with numerous mainstream media, reports and broadcasts from all angles on the platform, allowing Chinese artists and art enthusiasts to better inherit and showcase China's vast and profound brilliant culture.


Zhang Feng, formerly known as Zhang Menglin. (pen name Zhang Shaoshi), male, born in 1960, Han ethnicity. Born in Zhengning County, Gansu Province, currently residing in Kuitun City, Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Position: Chairman of the Chinese Traditional Culture and Arts Committee and Vice Chairman of the National Calligraphy and Painting Committee. Occupation: Calligraphy and painting art mentor. Expert at the Chinese Academy of Management (referred to as the "Chinese Academy of Management") think tank, Deputy Director of the Editorial Committee of the Calligraphy and Painting Art Newspaper of the Chinese Couplet Society, Representative of the Inheritance of Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage Year, Gold Medal Craftsman of Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage, Deputy Secretary General of the Center for International Cooperation and Development of Cultural and Tourism of China Central Television, Visiting Professor of the "Artists" Program of CCTV, Academician of the World Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Institute, China's Most Invested and Collected Artist, Enjoying Special Treatment from the State Council of the People's Republic of China. Grandfather: Zhang Shoushan (born in 1906/1985, pen name: Zhang Wenchang, deceased), former Secretary of the Patriotic General Yang Hucheng's Life. His calligraphy is dignified and elegant, with smooth brushstrokes Flowing clouds and flowing water, penetrating through the back of a paper. It is renowned both inside and outside the Northwest Army, with its unparalleled reputation in Ningxia, Qinghai, Gansu, and Shaanxi. Father: Zhang Huajie (born in 1936/2020, pen name: Yangeng, deceased) has served as the Honorary Chairman of the Qingyang Calligraphy Association in Gansu Province, the Lifetime Honorary Dean of the Shandong Yellow River Calligraphy and Painting Academy, and the Honorary President of the World Federation of Chinese Artists. He once wrote the reception hall and couplets for Mr. Dong Jianhua, the first Chief Executive of Hong Kong! His calligraphy is strong and natural, with iron and silver hooks, and its own unique structure. Renowned both domestically and internationally, the recipient of the Silver Award at the 1994 World Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Competition. I have been influenced by family art since I was young, and at the age of six, I am proficient in calligraphy and painting. I have won numerous first, second, and third prizes in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and National Calligraphy and Painting Competitions. In June 2020, won the second prize in the second National "Wang Xizhi Cup Calligraphy and Painting Competition"! Received the honorary title of National People's Artist at the Two Sessions in 2022. In October 2022, he was awarded the annual representative figure of China's intangible cultural heritage inheritance, and in March 2023, he was honored with the title of "Intangible Cultural Heritage Gold Medal Craftsman"! In April 2023, I was invited by CCTV's "Celebrity Talk" special imitation program group to participate in the on-site creative activity of "March 3rd Culture Going to the Countryside" with 100 artists in Guilin, Guangxi to help rural revitalization! In May 2023, I was awarded the title of "Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Studio" by the CCTV I Want to Attend CCTV National Art Exhibition program. In June 2023, awarded the honorable title of "Intangible Cultural Heritage Gold Medal Craftsman". In July 2023, he was awarded the honorary title of "Military Artist" by the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army of China. On July 25, 2023, I was appointed as a lifelong guest professor by the CCTV V Art Life Program of China Central Television! In October 2023, he was appointed as the Deputy Secretary General of Central Radio, Television, Culture and Tourism (official announcement). On November 24, 2023, I was invited to participate in the recording of the Bai Jie New Year International Spring Festival Gala program. On the same day, on November 27, I was invited to ask Mr. Kim Chen kun, the Director of the Cultural Institute of the South Korean Embassy in China, to warmly receive and present my work as a souvenir. In November 2023, the work was selected for the "Dictionary of Famous Chinese Calligraphers and Painters of All Dynasties" and served as a specially invited editorial board member. Received the Outstanding Mentor Award from the Royal Spanish Artists Association, Picasso Museum, and Barcelona Academy of Art in December 2023! On December 22, 2023, he was awarded the honorable title of China's Most Invested and Collected Artist as the Person of the Year in the Chinese literary and artistic community. On January 27, 2024, he/she was awarded the honorable title of "Recommended Official for Global Painting and Calligraphy" by the Global Tourism Channel of China Central Television. In January 2024, he/she was awarded the honorable title of "National Treasure level Artist" jointly decorated by the State Guest Gift Special Supply Management Center of the People's Republic of China, China Contemporary Art Appraisal and Evaluation Center, China Art Network Working Committee, China Calligraphy Network Working Committee, and China Intangible Cultural Heritage Cultural and Art Inheritance Network. In January 2024, I was appointed as a Special Academician by the World Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Institute. I am skilled in Eukai Xingkai and excels in both calligraphy and painting. I am particularly skilled in teaching calligraphy and painting, and have a deep understanding of the art of calligraphy and painting. I am currently a professional calligraphy and painting trainer! We have Zhang Feng Calligraphy and Painting Art Studio in Kuitun City under our name. We can undertake various large, medium, and small scale calligraphy and painting art exchange exhibitions, as well as art evaluation and collection appraisal services! Welcome colleagues and friends in the industry to exchange and discuss cooperation.

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