
每日英文晨读 2023-12-29 16:42:19

On a cold winter's day, the earth seems to be frozen. The icy wind howls, and the freezing air sends shivers down my spine. I hurry along, clad in a thick down jacket, hands tucked in my pockets, yet still feeling the biting cold.


In this chilly season, people are always in a rush, hoping to get home early and seek refuge in the warmth of their blankets. I am no exception, silently muttering to myself, "Starlight, please do not disappoint this impatient traveler."In the night sky, stars twinkle and illuminate my path. I look up, and it seems as if the starlight is smiling at me, as if telling me that the end of the cold winter is the arrival of spring.


I can't help but stop in my tracks, gazing at the starry sky. The cold wind blows, tousling my messy hair, but it also blows away my agitation. I feel the warmth from the starlight, as if a force is surging in my heart, dispelling the cold within.


I continue on my journey, no longer in a hurry, my mood becoming tranquil. I start to appreciate the beauty of the winter, snowflakes falling gently on my shoulders, like kisses from angels. I sense the wonder of the cold winter, as it blankets the earth in white, making the world more pure.Walking along, I can't help but recall beautiful memories. That sunny spring day, running with friends on the lush green campus, laughter echoing in the air. Back then, we were young and carefree, full of hope for the future.


Starlight does not disappoint the traveler, and at the end of the cold winter is the spring. I understand that both winter and hardships are just small segments of our journey through life. As long as we hold onto hope, and forge ahead with determination, we will reach the sunny day.


I continue walking, the cold air no longer able to hinder my progress. that sunny spring day will surely come!


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